Contact Information
  Charitable   Registration
  Contact   Information
  Charitable   Registration
  Contact Information
If you have been registering your nonprofit organization for solicitation purposes, you know that keeping in contact with each state is critical to obtaining clarifications on their respective regulations, filing extensions, and validating your status. We have conveniently assembled a complete list of states’ contact information including addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses that specifically cater to charitable organizations. You can leverage these contact details to send out your inquiries and learn about the requirements that your organization might be subject to.
ALABAMA | 501 Washington Avenue | Phone: (334) 242-7335 Fax: (334) 353-8400 | |
ALASKA | 1031 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 200 | Phone: (907) 269-6600 | |
ARKANSAS | Arkansas Secretary of State | Phone: (501) 683-0094 | |
CALIFORNIA | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (916) 210-6400 | |
COLORADO | State of Colorado | Phone: (303) 894-2200, Fax: (303) 869-4871 | |
CONNECTICUT | Dept. of Consumer Protection | Phone: (860) 713-6000 Fax: (860) 706-1200 | |
DISTRICT OF | DLCP Business License Center | Phone: (202) 671-4500 | |
FLORIDA | Division of Consumer Services (FDACS) | Phone: 1 (800) 435 7352 - Within Florida (850) 410-3800 - Outside Florida | |
GEORGIA | 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE | Phone: (470) 312-2640 | |
HAWAII | Department of the Attorney General | Phone: (808) 586-1480 Fax: (808) 586-8116 | |
ILLINOIS | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (312) 814-3000 | |
KANSAS | Kansas Attorney General | Phone: (785) 368-6644 | |
KENTUCKY | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (502) 696-5300 | |
LOUISIANA | Louisiana Department Of Justice | Phone: (225) 326-6414 | |
MAINE | State Of Maine | Phone: (207) 624-8603 | |
MARYLAND | Charitable Organization Division | Phone: (410) 974-5534 | |
MASSACHUSETTS | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (617) 727-2200 ext 2101 | |
MICHIGAN | Department Of Attorney General | Phone: (517) 335-7571 Fax: (517) 241-7074 | |
MINNESOTA | Office Of Minnesota | Phone: (651) 757-1496 | |
MISSISSIPPI | 125 S.Congress St | Phone: (601) 359-1599 Fax: (601) 359-1499 | |
MISSOURI | Missouri Attorney General’s Office | Phone: (573) 751-3321 | |
NEVADA | 202 North Carson Street | Phone: (775) 684-5708 | |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (603) 271-3591 | |
NEW JERSEY | Charities Registration Section | Phone: (973) 504-6215 | |
NEW MEXICO | Office of the Attorney General | Phone: (505) 717-3500 Fax: (505) 318-1050 | |
NEW YORK | NYS Office Of The Attorney General | Phone: (212) 416-8401 | |
NORTH CAROLINA | NC Department Of The Secretary of State | Phone: (919) 814-5400 | |
NORTH DAKOTA | Secretary of State State of North Dakota | Phone: (701) 328-2900 | |
OHIO | Ohio Attorney General | Phone: (800) 282-0515 | |
OKLAHOMA | Oklahoma Secretary of State | Phone (405) 521-3912 | |
OREGON | Charitable Activities Section Oregon | Phone: (971) 673-1880 | |
PENNSYLVANIA | Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations | Phone: (717) 783-1720 | |
RHODE ISLAND | State of Rhode Island | Phone: (401) 462-9527 | |
SOUTH CAROLINA | South Carolina Secretary Of State | Phone: (803) 734-1790 | |
TENNESSEE | 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 6th Floor, Snodgrass Tower | Phone: (615) 741-2555 | |
UTAH | Department Of Commerce | Phone: (801) 530-6427 | |
VIRGINIA | Virginia Department of Agriculture And Consumer Services | Phone: (804) 786-1343 Fax: (804) 225-2666 | |
WASHINGTON | Washington Secretary of State | Phone: (360) 725-0378 | |
WEST VIRGINIA | Secretary of State | Phone: (304) 558-8000 Fax: (304) 558-8381 | |
WISCONSIN | Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Division of Corporate and Consumer Services | Phone: (608) 267-1711 |
Overwhelmed by State Registrations?
Nonprofits exist to make a difference, not to tangle themselves in paperwork. We’re here to simplify the process for you.